I created Nice Nasty Bubble Greetings, and my  Short Thoughts "OF" series in 2020, and finally decided to launch them. I have always had a passion to write creatively, but I just sat on my ideas for years and finally decided to just let my imagination be manifested. Nice-Nasty Bubble Greetings came about because I am silly for humor. I try and find something to laugh about every day on TV, the internet, or wherever I can get my daily laugh from to stay in good spirits. So, I decided to just create my own humor based on some talking bubbles. Isn't that just the silliest? So, the nice bubble is the one that's always happy and hyped, while the nasty bubble is the one that's always grumpy with an unconcerned attitude. therefore, making them to be as an elderly couple who's been in a relationship for many years  that's always bickering. My bubble greetings come with their own non-offensive humorous slogan for many occasions, so lets laugh together.

I also have a Short Thoughts "OF" series on e-Books, and Inspirational cards on thoughts of different subjects on experiences that I used to help turn my negative life experiences into positive learning experiences through "thought rejuvenation". This series is intended to inspire, motive, and possibly promote self healing from past negative experiences. I will be adding my Short Thoughts "OF" eBooks to my website  at a later time, but at this time, they can be purchased on amazon. Now, lets spread some laughter with a Nice-Nasty Bubble Greeting and, or a Short Thoughts "OF" inspiration card..

Thank you, Steph L.


   New card collection: Short Thoughts "OF". " E-books on Amazon.com"